A Profile

o Meaning :- Gold
o Emotional
o A happy face can hide the heart, takes on challenges with ease.
o Expression
o Dedicative & discipline behaviour excels to be the best.
o Goal
o To find best out of life and reach every success to the height of the sky.
o Instinctive
o Values his personal honesty above other virtues and not know to be quitter.
o Quick to take action.
o Nature
o They say his sweet, sincere and sagacious soul.
o Personality
o Easy going, down to earth and admired by all he meets. o Physical
o Beautiful in grace, soft of hair, dancing to tune, lovely and fair.
o Reputation
o Strong willed and determined not to be taken for granted.
o Relationship
o Honest, loving, caring & devoted.

Kiran Lathia

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